

listening pleasure

The company Advanced Bionics offers a functional carrying case for its cochlear implants. It is intended for use in sports and is therefore waterproof and dustproof. This places high demands on the design and the materials used. At Stamm AG in Hallau (CH), the specialist for high-precision components in the injection molding process, the high-precision plastic parts are manufactured and assembled into a finished assembly.

Added Value

  • Flawless and precise tooling equipment, produced at our in-house tooling making
  • Production without visible injection points, using a valve gate system

Improved quality of life

Deafness affects millions of people of all ages worldwide. In many cases a normal hearing aid is sufficient to amplify sounds. So-called cochlear implants are used for severe hearing loss. One of the leading manufacturers of cochlear implant systems is Advanced Bionics from California. In addition to numerous hearing systems, the customer also offers the AquaCase ™, a waterproof carrying case for hearing implants. The robust accessories enable the best possible hearing even during sporting activities such as swimming, skiing or mountain biking.

Waterproof carrying case
AquaCase ™, the waterproof carrying case for hearing implants

AquaCase ™ meets the highest demands

Due to the area of ​​application, the highest demands are placed on the carry box. It must be reusable and suitable for everyday use. The accessories should also be able to offer maximum protection in dusty environments such as playgrounds, workshops and construction sites. For this reason, it must meet the IP68 degree of protection for maximum resistance to water, sand and dirt.

Fact Box Stamm:
An absolute precondition for high quality products are perfect and precise tools, which are produced at Stamm in the in-house tool making. In this project a valve gate system was used, preventing visible gating points.In total Stamm produces four plastic injection moulding parts. They are completed as finished assemblies with two shafts, a spring, a gasket and a connector. All components are assembled and 100% tested at Stamm as well.
Stamm Gebäude Hallau

Complex assembly realized

In order to be able to implement the desired functions in the best possible way, Advanced Bionics entered into a partnership with Stamm. Based on the extensive know-how in this area, the experts from Stamm supported the customer in the development of the carry box. The result is a complex assembly made up of four parts. The choice of the suitable material was of particular importance: it had to be transparent and at the same time scratch-resistant in order to guarantee an aesthetic appearance. In addition, the material did not smell “creep behavior”. This means not to permanently deform even under load. After careful evaluation and in close coordination with the customer, Stamm was able to determine the optimal material from which the individual components are made.

Used technologies